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3 things

Start your week with my three latest pieces of content
I have lot of new content to share, so let's jump right in...

Quarterly Webinar Replay

I've been doing Live Q&A sessions nearly every week for Plancorp clients along with my colleague Brian King. Last week we recorded a video addressing some of the most common questions. Pay particularly close attention to Brian's portion that starts 19 minutes in the financial planning opportunities these days are pretty amazing.

Watch Here: Plancorp's Quarterly Webinar

Pay Off Student Loans or Invest? Here's How to Decide

I originally wrote this article for The Wall Street Journal, but I published it to my blog so that you could read it without a paywall. The decision to pay off your student loans or invest depends on a variety of factors, but the optimal solution might be a little of both.

Read More: Pay Off Student Loans or Invest? Here's How to Decide

Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Put Your Retirement Plans on Hold?

I published this last for Forbes after speaking with someone who was supposed to retire this month. If you are near retirement or retired in the past few years, this one is for you.

Read More: Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Put Your Retirement Plans on Hold?

Highlights From Staying at Home

Staying home isn't perfect, but it's allowed for some new habits and routines that I hope will stick once stay-in-place orders are lifted.

One thing that I'm really enjoying is the family walk we take every evening before or after dinner. Those first few weeks were pretty cold and wet, but the last few weeks have been perfect. As the weather has improved, the boys have been choosing bikes or "the tractor" over walking, but my wife and I are happy walking alongside them either way.

What are some new rituals or habits you're hoping carry over to "normal" life? Reply to this email, I'd love to hear from you.
