Or you can step back and say … am I getting advice from a loser?
Do a 30-day juice cleanse. JK, cleanses are fake. The real lesson here is to avoid gimmicks, fads, and silver bullets. Do the real work, consistently.
Pick an area of life where you have no budget at all. For me, it's education — including books and courses, like the Wealth Triggers course. (I also have no limit on appetizers, health, and donating to friends' fundraisers.) What's your "no budget" category?
Develop your own rules of thumb. Some of mine: 1 year of emergency cash, earn enough so you can choose to work with people you respect & like, and marry the right person. What are your rules of thumb around money?
Know your numbers cold. With all this talk about splurging and thinking bigger, it's important that you know your numbers cold. Don't put your head in the sand (like most Americans) and end up in debt. Know how much you spend, how much you earn, your savings rate … all the things I talk about in my book. Automate it so you spend less than 1 hour/month — but do the work. By knowing those numbers, you give yourself the opportunity to grow wealthier than you'd ever imagined.
Once a year, everyone deserves to splurge on something they'll remember a decade from now. Maybe it's eating at a restaurant you've never been to. Or getting unbelievably great seats at a concert. What could you do in the next 30 days that would create lifelong memories?
Here's one more...
And it's a big one...
You can read all the newsletters and blogs and IG accounts you want. But until you take action to change your attitude and behavior, nothing will change in your life.
I have a course for you today that will change the way you think about money. It includes 21 "wealth triggers," or mental models that you can use to think about money in a bigger, clearer, and — surprisingly — counterintuitive way.
The wealthy don't talk about these publicly (why would they?), but I think they should be shared.
That's why I created my course, Wealth Triggers. If you're ready to unlock your financial potential and live your Rich Life, this course will show how to change your psychology of money.