Yesterday, I shared another one of my core RULES: Focus on building freedom, not wealth. I showed you how to move up the Ladder of Freedom.
That doesn't happen by accident. You have to do it intentionally. And one of the best ways to do it — to give yourself freedom of time, freedom of location, freedom from $3 worries — is to start building an ASSET.
Now, forget about the $1,997 product for a minute. That's one asset, but nobody starts there.
Just pretend you had an entry-level $50 product. (I'll show you how to build an amazing product soon, even if you don't have an idea yet.)
Just run this quick calculation in your head:
$50 product x 10 sales/month x 24 months = _____
That's $12,000.
In other words:
- With a small, introductory product ($50) ...
- Making just one sale every three days ...
- And completely stopping after only two years …
You'd make $12,000.
Do you see how powerful your online business could be?
This is the power of building an ASSET. Do the work once, then get paid forever. We only looked at two years in this example, but your asset can keep bringing in sales well beyond two years. Look at my first product still making sales, totally automated, seven years later!
Now go further: What if you actually improved each of those numbers? Say you created a more valuable product? Or used my systems to boost how many sales you make per week — or per day?
$100 product x 30 sales/month x 36 months = _____
That's $108,000!
In other words:
- With a $100 product (which is still pretty small) ...
- Making just one sale a day ...
- And completely stopping after only three years …
You'd make $108,000. That's $3,000 every month.
As you can see, the numbers become incredibly powerful.
My first sale was for just $4.95. Just a few bucks. But I didn't care. That sale felt amazing because I knew if I could sell one, I could sell 10. And if I could sell 10, I could sell 100. The same is true for you. You could build a second income stream this month and completely change your life's trajectory.
Think of all the things you could do with an extra $1,000 a month … or $10,000 a month.
Think of how it would feel to know you were safe, secure, and didn't have to worry about paying your rent next month … or next year. Where you could splurge on that fancy coat … or TV … or car without feeling guilty about it.
To show you how to get started, I'm hosting a free workshop on "How to create a second income stream" next Monday, Oct 5.
This is for people ready to build one of the most powerful and flexible types of assets — a business that PAYS YOU to live your Rich Life.
Don't worry if you don't have an idea for a business.
Don't worry if you don't have tons of free time.
You don't need either.
In this online workshop, I'll show you how to go from "no idea" to your first sale in less than a week. The specific steps, day by day, to launch a business within five days. Then how to scale up and automate your new income stream.
I'll also share a sneak peek of Earnable.
You can email me questions at (subject: Workshop Question). I'll answer the best ones live, and I'll do some live Q&A.
This is a one-time-only event and there won't be a recording.
>> Click here to reserve your spot