When people dream of making more money they think of the obvious things. The stuff you can buy, the freedom you'll get, etc.
But there are some very subtle mindset changes that happen as you make more money. And it's stuff that people often don't talk about.
Today, I want to give you a sneak peek at some of the things millionaires know that other people don't:
If you have a problem that money can solve, you don't have a problem. Use your money — that's what it's there for. Buy your time back. Hire an expert to teach you how to do something. Or better yet, to do it for you.
There's lots of advice about how to save money — but very little about how to spend it. The great irony is that most of the advice is on saving money — and isn't very good at all. You get random internet writers telling you to cut back on lattes so that in 300 million years, you can have $250,000 in your retirement account.
You know what's even rarer?
Advice about how to spend. When does it make sense to buy premium? What about luxury? What do other people with your income spend their money on? Where do you learn this? For most people, the answer is nowhere, so at 6 figures of savings, they're still spending the way they spent as a 22-year-old.
Pick an area of your life that you truly love and use money to have world-class experiences in it. My area is convenience, and I used money to hire a personal chef, an executive assistant, a personal trainer … and more. When you're intentional about the 1-2 areas of life that you truly love, you can go deep. We call this concept "Money Dials" in our brand new course on Advanced Personal Finance.