I wanted to update you what's happening in the headquarters of CashOverflow.
This email is going to be long & detailed.. feel free to delete if you are not interested in learning content writing.
If your goals are not to learn investments, finance and retire early.. then you can also unsubscribe (link at bottom). No hard feelings.
Ok.. back to inside CashOverflow business..
This lockdown has been amazing for us because I could give my 100% time to CashOverflow business. Published 24 new articles in April Month.
We write articles as a team.. Multiple people work at the single article at different stages.
Every article goes through -> Ideation, Planning, Storyboarding, Conversation Flow, Research, Refining and Final Editing.
I am hiring more content writers who can help me write brilliant content.
But you should apply ONLY if you have prior experience in writing amazing content for personal finance niche. Have you written at least 50,000 words in personal finance?
Else.. learn the content writing skills and start working as an intern. I am also looking for intern content writers who want to grow (& learn) while earning.
The internship period would be 3 months and then you may be offered full-time job at CashOverflow.
It's not gonna be a fake internship. You would get real content writing work under the supervision of my experienced team members. You would have direct access to my time if required for your growth.
And you would earn monthly internship stipend.
We judge our writers by Quality+Writing Speed. To qualify for the internship position.. You must be able to write at least 1000 words per day with at least 3 levels of quality.
We have 5 parameters for quality check
- Articulation
- Product research
- Ease of reading
- User benefit focused
- Review comments
You need to practice content writing to become a good content writer.
All you need to start from the basics. Start writing content that has following qualities.
- Understand the topic before start writing and describe the intent for the topic of the target audience in 2-3 lines
- Use Simple language with active voice
- The lines should be short (maximum 2 sentences and maximum 3 in lines on desktop)
- Single message in one paragraph
- Remove "IT", "THIS" words
- There should not be any question marks in the content
- Use of only bullet points format inside
- The information must be correct and validated
- For product review articles, validate the information from the company website
- Make sure content shouldn't be copied
- Use of more example and practically usable content
- In a product review article, the reader should be able to understand the difference between the products based on product usability not only based on features
- For informational articles, the reader should be able to implement the guidance practically in life
- Add external links for facts or case studies
- Add links to the existing article for internal linking
- Images should have a proper name
- Use visual content where ever possible
- How to section (step by step section) must have the images
- There must be a conclusion in the end
We can not hire interns who can not write the content with the above qualities. That's our minimum expectation.
If you have below-average writing skills and want to improve.. then I can conduct a 5 days training.
I have done that last year.. taught content writing skills to more than 100 students who are either writing for their own blogs (or agency business) or writing for us as a freelancer.
Let me know what's your choice?
- Practical training on content writing skills that gives results in affiliate marketing.
- Joining me as an intern or full-time content writer
Reply to this email and I can plan accordingly.
Pardeep Goyal
Founder of CashOverflow.in
Wait for my next email on Monday. I will let you know the price and dates of the training if that would the final decision.
PPS: This is not about a recurring training. It's only one time event.