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They ask your advice. You tell them. THEY IGNORE YOU. WHY???

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One of my favorite parts of human psychology is when people ask how to do something, get the perfect answer, then reject it.

The best example goes like this:

Michelle: "Wow, you look amazing. How did you lose all that weight? How do I get arms like that??"

Sarah: "Thanks! I started eating more vegetables, cut back on my carbs, and started going to the gym 3 times a week."

Michelle: "Oh, I could never give up carbs. I love bread too much!"


Do you know people like this??

They complain about something for years, and then when they get the chance to actually do something about it, they give you 50 reasons it won't work. 

I used to get really mad and try to "educate" them on why their approach wouldn't work. Now I slowly back away with a polite smile on my face, never exposing my back to these zombie-like creatures.

It's all fun and games to joke around about people who complain and do nothing, but in fact, we've ALL done it.

This week, I've received hundreds of questions about the Find Your Dream Job system and who it is right for. 

I've seen this time and time again when I launch a course. I'll have readers following along with every exercise, commenting on every post, writing how excited they are to get started.

And when the course finally opens, suddenly they start second-guessing themselves. "Will this work for me? I'm an international left-handed one-legged narcoleptic … what about THAT? Does your material address people like THAT??"

This is called Special Snowflake Syndrome, and these people will never join. They ask question after question until they find something I say no to — and then they can walk away, satisfied that "of COURSE this wouldn't work for me." What an interesting way to live life. To wait to "figure it out" until some day when things magically align 100% perfectly. 


Successful people take steps to improve things BEFORE they have their "ducks in a row." They know that there's an opportunity to make things better NOW, so they make time. Year after year, they invest in themselves.

The great news is you've already been doing more than most people ever do: You read about how to improve your job and yourself. Maybe you've tried a few strategies from IWT or other sites. When the chance is in front of you, will you take it?

Today, I want to give you some straight answers to the most common questions I received from this morning's email. Like I said, I received hundreds, so I'm going to boil it down to the key questions I kept seeing over and over.

Here goes:

"What if I don't know what my Dream Job is?"

You don't need to know what your Dream Job is to join the course. The truth is, most of us don't know what our "passion" is OR we have multiple interests and passions. That's ok. 

During the first three weeks of the course, you're going to dive deep into your own psychology and the job market itself, which will allow you to finally uncover the exact job — down to the title and company — that's for you.

"What if I LIKE my current job?"

That's great! Would you like a raise? More vacation time? The ability to transition seamlessly into a new job if this one turns stale or you move across the country?

The Dream Job program goes beyond finding your Dream Job and shows you how to get the most from whatever job you're in. You'll get word-for-word scripts, case studies, and teardowns that show you how to negotiate for more pay and benefits than you thought possible.

Plus, we even cover how to become an irreplaceable top performer at work.

"What if I'm really busy?"

You can take this course at your own pace. And you have access for life, so you can go back anytime you need.

Stop wasting time firing off dozens of resumes (it might feel like you're being productive, but what are the RESULTS of that?) and put your effort into a system that's proven to WORK.

It's amazing how much free time opens up when stress over money and career disappears. (And when you have word-for-word negotiation scripts that can help you work from home, or double your vacation days.)

"Why shouldn't I just try all your free material first?" 

If you're not IN LOVE with your job, then why stay trapped in it any longer than you have to? Remember what Julie said in yesterday's interview: "One year of your life is no joke." 

If you're just "putting this off," then you're squandering the only thing in life you can't get back: time.

"What if I don't trust I'll follow through?"

I've set up the course to encourage you to take action. You'll get regular check-in calls from my support staff, plus weekly email reminders and hours of video and written case studies.

"How do I know this will work for ME?"

The best way to find out is to try it. I've built in an unbeatable 60-day guarantee, which means you can take the ENTIRE course before you decide it's right for you.

With that said, there are some people who are not right for the course.

Reasons why you should NOT join

There are a few people who I do not want in my course. They are:

  1. Anyone who doesn't have an emergency fund. With all the uncertainty around coronavirus, if you don't have a solid emergency fund (I recommend 12 months), do not join. Cut expenses and build your savings. I explain how to handle your money during a crisis like this here.

  2. Anyone in credit card debt. If I find out someone in CC debt joined one of my flagship courses, I ban them from all IWT programs for life. Eliminate your debt first (you can get my book free from the library to find out how), then start investing in yourself.

  3. Anyone who thinks passively absorbing information is all they need to do to have success. If you ignore the simple action steps I give you and expect your Dream Job to fall from the sky because you watched a video, then I don't want you in my course. This is a course for people willing to put in 1.5x the work "average" people do to achieve 10x the results. If you don't have what it takes, don't join.

If you have more questions, I created a special FAQ page that answers many of these. Click here to visit the Dream Job FAQ page.

Join Find Your Dream Job

P.S. If you're ready to land a high-paying job doing work you care about (for a company that respects you), then sign up for Find Your Dream Job today. I'm closing the doors TOMORROW.
