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Making money from your phone


Hi Candidate,

On Thursday, Nov 28, 2013, I took a break from Thanksgiving to post a couple of pics to Instagram:

Amazing stuff, I know. But that's what Instagram was for, right?

4 years later, in 2017, I was on vacation in Japan, absolutely blown away by all the things I was seeing. Just for fun, I started posting Instagram stories. I realized I loved storytelling on IG. And I wanted to get good at it.

Fast-forward another year: I was finally starting to get comfortable with IG stories. One day, I posted a random student success story and linked to the program.

It sold $10,000 in one day.

I was like —


That's when I realized Instagram could become a core part of my business.

For the last two years, I've been building my own style of posting my own fun stuff on Instagram...and also making it a part of my business. It's generated well over $500,000 in a single year since then.

One of my favorite examples: Last summer, I took a trip to Mexico and shared a video of the cool hotel I was at.

An Instagram story I posted last year

That Instagram story generated over $100,000.

I'm sure there are lots of other approaches to Instagram. But I've developed my own. And I'm teaching it to a small group of people next month.

In a few weeks, I'm hosting a private workshop on how to build your business — and income — on Instagram.

This private workshop is laser-focused on business owners who want to create and supercharge a totally new sales channel in their business — and do it in a way that ADDS freedom and flexibility to their life. (As opposed to just giving them more work.)

Instagram went from being something I posted random pictures on occasionally to bringing in multiple 6 figures in income.

And best of all, I actually love posting on Instagram. (If you follow me, you know it by my stories!)

OK, here are the event specifics...

Workshop details

The 6-Figure Instagram Sales event is:

  • 100% online
  • Two weeks long, from Monday 5/4 to Friday 5/15
  • Intensive and interactive
  • Designed for students who already have a business and have made at least some sales (short application required)
  • Packed with small-group coaching with me
  • Very limited seats
  • One time only

Here's a taste of what we're covering. (I packed a lot into this, so read carefully…)

  • Exactly how I sell high-ticket products on Instagram — including a single 4-day campaign that earned over $60,000 while I was on vacation. I'll break down the actual campaign, piece by piece.
  • Discover the mistakes that virtually guarantee most businesses never sell a $10 product on Instagram...let alone sell a $2,000 product (and a simple mindset shift to change that)
  • How to effortlessly come up with content that attracts followers (AND buyers)
  • Learn how to grow your income on Instagram…even if you don't have a ton of followers.
  • Advanced tactics to grow your Instagram following (from a guest speaker who grew to over 400K...WITHOUT paid ads)
  • Get access to my entire Instagram Sales Machine (how I choose irresistible images, plan out content and sales while traveling, and lots more)

As I've said, there's "magic in the room" when ambitious people get together. This is doubly true when business owners can get together.

Normally I'd schedule a 2-day weekend workshop for a program like this, but because of coronavirus, we have adapted this class to be delivered online.

Instead of packing everything into just a couple days, we now have the ability to pace it out over 2 weeks. This gives everyone time to absorb and practice what's taught, then share and get feedback.

In addition to all-new material from me, we've also lined up two surprise guest instructors. And we'll invite workshop students to a private community where you can get feedback directly from me.

The price of a ticket is $1,997. This is a hands-on, business-building workshop. You will leave with the Instagram sales techniques and systems I use to earn 6 figures via Instagram — mostly in my downtime. Because this is an interactive, one-time-only event, there are no refunds.

As I said, this is a private event. If you're interested in small-group coaching and a behind-the-scenes look at the systems and strategies I use to generate 6-figures via Instagram, this is for you.

Click here to apply

P.S. Have a question about the event? DM me on Instagram.
