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How to avoid the resume black hole of doom



Do you ever feel like you've sent your resume out into the BLACK HOLE OF DOOM?

You know how this horrible story goes: You spend all this time writing your resume...figuring out the words to use...wondering if you actually have enough experience to stand out...hoping they won't notice you've been "job hopping" for the last 3 years...debating with yourself if you're even good enough to get an interview...and finally, clicking "SEND." 

Only to have companies totally IGNORE you. They don't even respond! 

It hurts. But let's take a step back to see what's really going on. 

Some of you know I'm pretty obsessed with building systems. I built a system to get enough scholarships to pay my entire way through undergrad and grad school at Stanford. 

What you might NOT know is that I also built a system to find jobs — and specifically, to perfect my resume. That's how I got job offers at companies like Google, Intuit, Sun Microsystems, and a multibillion-dollar hedge fund. 

And now that I run my own company, I've been on both sides of the table. I've hired a lot of people, and lots of people send me their resumes. 

If you're ready to stop being ignored, here's what you need to know: 

10 seconds.

That's all the time you get to impress a hiring manager. After that, you're thrown into the "no hire" pile — a.k.a. the trash can — and that's the pile that doesn't get a response. 

There are actually some non-obvious techniques that you can use to turn your lifeless resume into something that dazzles hiring managers — in 10 seconds. (AKA, stuff you won't learn from your community-college "expert" who hasn't searched for a job in 42 years). You can use these even if you don't have a ton of experience. 

I'm sending you this because I learned the true "deep psychology" of writing resumes and cover letters, yet I've never seen this material revealed online. Most of it is typical advice like "Make sure it's only 1 page!" and other useless tips that we already know. 

Some of us have a ton of potential, but sometimes, there's just a slight barrier holding us back. Maybe we're afraid to come off as bragging. Maybe we're worried about being a "job hopper." Maybe we just don't know how to structure our resume so it grabs the attention of the hiring manager. 

I'll show you how to overcome these common barriers — including proven tactics you can implement immediately — in my course Overnight Resume Makeover: 3 Steps to Turn Your Resume Into An Interview Magnet

This is my program to transform your resume (and cover letter) from ordinary to one night.

I shared my best material on resumes in this program — including the exact, word-for-word templates and resumes/cover letters I used to secure those top jobs. 

You may not be able to control the job market, but you can control what goes on your resume. Join Overnight Resume Makeover today.

P.S. One newsletter I subscribe to for news/tech is Morning Brew. It's a great daily newsletter that gives you all the news you need to get your day started on the right foot. Check it out.
