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Find Your Dream Job closes TONIGHT, 11:59pm

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If you've been on the fence about joining the Find Your Dream Job course — which closes tonight at 11:59pm — give me 60 seconds to help you decide if it's right for you or not.

Join Find Your Dream Job now

Just 3 reminders:

  • If you don't know what your Dream Job is, we can help you find it. We've tested Dream Job with dozens of industries, around the world, with college students, 50+/mid-career, men, women, and more. We can show you a process to figure out what your Dream Job even is — and then give you the tactics to get it. 
  • You get lifetime access to the course. It doesn't matter if you go on vacation or get sick or just take your time — the entire system will always be available to you, right when you need it. 
  • I've added payment plans, bringing the price down to about $6/day. Plus you're protected by my 60-day money-back guarantee.

The course closes TONIGHT at 11:59pm Pacific. No exceptions.

Guys, there's a reason I send you so many emails like this. 

These are huge, pivotal decisions in our lives. Deciding on how you spend 8+ hours a day, deciding which industry, knowing how to negotiate to get paid what you're worth … these aren't easy.

It's normal to be frustrated, to see others sailing by in their careers, or even to settle for a "good" job.

But I don't want to be normal. Do you?

Weirdly, most of us never ask for help — even when the answer is right in front of us. 

Some take whatever they can get (which rarely is a dream job).

Some put it all off until later. "What if it doesn't work for me? Maybe there's not really a Dream Job out there for me. I'll do it later." Do you think that day ever comes?

A small group of people decide to bet on themselves and do it NOW. All it takes is one step: deciding to say yes today.

6 months from now, who do you think will be in a much better place? 

Earlier this week, you heard one of my favorite interviews of all-time — how Julie used my Dream Job material to build a Rich Life for herself.

Now it's your choice. But you have to choose now.

Click here to join Find Your Dream Job.

Join Find Your Dream Job now

P.S. A year from now, you'll be a year older. What are you going to do?
