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CashOverflow rising as product comparison engine + Hiring!!


I wanted to write to you last week as well but could not get time to compose this email.

Actually a lot of things are shuffling in the economy, world and in the tiny team of CashOverflow.


  • Going really really bad
  • You may see a couple of dips (and crashes) in the stock market in coming months
  • Business gonna get impacted really bad
  • Oil price is historically low


  • US is badly under the Covid-19 infection
  • Lockdown in India may get extended.. and loose down in phases in less impacted areas
  • Nature is healing itself in the absence of human interference


  • Our income sources has been reduced significantly from the banking products because no paperwork is happening (in loans, policies, credit cards).
  • We have some cash in the bank, some ongoing income from products that can be opened purely online (Insurance, Demat), and income from secondary sources (amazon affiliate, marketing products, e-books, courses, consulting)
  • CashOverflow is rising just from a personal blog to Financial Product Comparison Engine (like BankBazaar.. or better than that). Please note.. 'Better' not 'Bigger'. We would love to stay small.
  • And we need more people to handle our content & marketing.

Can you refer next team member for CashOverflow?

Please connect me with someone who is spending 2 hours daily reading financial news and discussing economy with friends. A person who is a fan of Warren Buffet and tried all kind of trading in stock market (forex, commodity, FnO) and holding a couple of cryptocurrencies.

CashOverflow is going to write a lot of content related to investments in Cryptos in next couple of months. Right now I am trying to cover each & every financial product (You might have seen an avalance of Stock Market related products in Mar/Apr)

My next team member is going to research, writing and publish articles related to personal finance.

I am looking for a person who has these 3 qualities

  1. Personal Finance Lover like me
  2. English Content Writer, better than me
  3. Pay attention to details and finish work by time.

If you know someone.. please refer..

If you are that person.. brilliant..

Please send me a beautifully written article 'How declining Oil prices would impact the global economy in a good way"

Salary? Well more than the value you add to CashOverflow work.

You would grow as we would grow.

There won't be a single day without learning new things.

Location? Bingo.. Work from any location.

We are happy as long as the work is done. But it's a full time work. Don't consider this a freelance work. You would be our full time team member, working together, joining team meetings and learning what we do in the background.

Waiting for your response..

Apply by replying to this email or forward this email to the deserving candidate.

Pardeep Goyal

Founder of CashOverflow
