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A single Big Win vs. 7 million random tactics

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You're about to get advice from a man who used to wear THIS shirt and thought it was fashionable.

I know how it is when you're growing your business. Damn, I felt the same thing at $5,000 revenue, then $50,000 revenue, then $500,000, and even over $1 million/year!


Predictably, everybody had different advice.

SEO. Facebook pages. Infographics. Productization. Pricing. Webinars. Facebook pages. And on and on…

It's even more complicated trying to start and grow a business during a pandemic.

What they don't tell you is that all of these growth tactics change at every level of the business: What you do at $100,000 is very different from what you do at $5 million.

But there are a few key strategies — let's call them Big Wins — that if you get right, the rest falls into place.

And one of the biggest is copywriting, or your ability to reach out and irresistibly grab your customer and show them exactly why you're different from everyone else out there. 

If you peel back the layers, 95% of what I do at IWT depends on good writing — emails, blog posts, sales pages, presentations, video scripts, or press talking points.

Let me show you an example of how even small tweaks to your copy can have outsized results:

Here's a simple test we ran that improved our page subscriber rate 69%. This translates directly into tens of thousands of dollars in increased revenue. And it's automatic, forever.

See, it's funny how much time we'll spend setting up a Facebook page, reading blog after blog for "traffic tips," and worrying about legal documents...

...But when it comes to our website and our emails, we just write whatever randomly comes into our head!

That's why so many sites start to sound the same. Just think about it — how many email newsletters are you subscribed to that sound the same?

(On the other hand, take 60 seconds to browse through my Instagram posts or blog posts and see what you notice. What words would you use to describe it? Why is it different?)

Guys, I know how easy it is to try a bunch of tactics and see what sticks. YouTube videos … Facebook ads … Twitter accounts … the list of tactics is endless. 

They might even work a little. But I don't want to be doing a little bit of everything, which ends up feeling like pushing 20 boulders up a hill every day. 

I'd rather focus on 3-5 key strategies that grow my business deliberately, methodically, and explosively.

You know the funniest thing of all? When was the last time you read someone's Twitter page, fell in love with them, and wrote them a check for $2,000? NEVER! 

So why do we keep thinking that by doing these random tactics, we'll somehow magically convince an endless flood of people to buy our products? Ain't gonna happen.

The way you connect with people online is by the words you write. If you write great copy, you stand out among the cacophony of mindless competitors. 

If you sound like everyone else, well … you know what it's like to read a bunch of sites that all sound the same. Wild guess here — do you still read them, or did you unsubscribe?

I have two principles to share today:

  1. Learn from the best. Learn from someone who's grown a business in a way you admire — not by pandering, sending out 90% discounts, or posting on random internet forums with excited "tips" — but someone who's calmly and methodically grown a multimillion-dollar business that you respect.

  2. Focus on what works. Eliminate the rest. Better to execute on 3 strategies that help you double your business in 18 months, than to try 20 that all work a "little."

So many other people have self-development blogs and newsletters. But you're reading this one right now.

Here's why: 


Copywriting is one of the most powerful strategies in your arsenal. You know because you're reading this email right now — and you've been reading for a while.

No, your copy doesn't have to be sensationalistic or salesy.

No, your copy doesn't have to sound like everyone else's (even if you're in a highly competitive market).

And no! You don't have to be me or a professional copywriter to learn the skill of copywriting. Take a look at a couple very different students who used copywriting to grow their businesses.

  • Industry: Relationships and dating
  • Copy change: Rewrote her email to tell an authentic, personal story that connected with readers where they were
  • Result: $7,000 
  • She says: "Ramit helped me reframe how I speak to my ideal client. He'd push me to sit in their shoes, to think and experience what they're feeling right now. I have people on my list writing me and saying 'You're literally in my head. You nailed it. This is exactly how I was feeling right now.' I wasn't getting those comments before."
  • Industry: Music and recording
  • Copy change: Created a 5-day email funnel for a new product
  • Result: $46,269 in 5 days
  • He says: "I knew the course was really good and would transform the way my students approach recording music in their home studios — BUT I knew that no one would buy if the copy wasn't compelling. I busted my butt to write not only a killer sales page, but a killer 5-day launch of emails (6 emails total). I still feel like I'm not that great at writing copy that converts, but I'm seeing progress..."

I'll always be candid with you. Are you going to write a new email that magically produces $50,000 overnight? Probably not! But you will learn exactly how to write incredibly compelling copy that grows your business.

In fact, you'll learn how to use copy as a tool to double your business in 18 months. We know — we've done it multiple times.

It could start by...
  • Getting an extra 500 - 1,000 people to sign up for your mailing list every month
  • Converting "fence sitters" into delighted customers
  • Writing copy that instantly separates you from the teeming hordes of zombie-esque competitors in your market who all sound the same
I'm emailing you because copywriting is one of the most underrated, misunderstood strategies there is. Get this right, and your business growth will follow.

If you're interested, I'd love to help you grow your business.

Learn how Call to Action
can double your profits

P.S. A few students posted write-ups about their experience with Call to Action — including the results they got in their businesses. They've graciously allowed me to share those reviews with you. If you're interested in seeing their unfiltered reviews, check out the links below.

Alison Hummel: "My favorite part of the content was probably when Ramit would actually review copy of some of his students one-on-one."

Matteo Manferdini: "After following Call to Action and applying the concepts to my business I had amazing results and explosive growth." (Google cache)

Anke Herrmann: "I definitely wasn't used to seeing a 30% optin rate (I knew 2-3% optin rates on my website) and that first campaign made almost twice what I'd paid for the course." (Google cache)

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