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A link to tomorrow's call

Hello to my dear friends and brothers,

As you may or may not know I have been doing a call each Saturday morning in which we talk about certain Biblical topics.

Tomorrow I'll be doing a call about how to be born again, as I was.

(I put the link to the call on the B&D homepage, but we are currently experiencing difficulties with our new hosting provider and the homepage is down.)

The call is Saturday morning, April 18, at 9 am Pacific / 11 am Central / 12 pm Eastern.

The call is on the
Zoom app, which you would need to download to get on the call.

This is the link to the call:

Just click on that link tomorrow with your zoom app and you will be able to get on the call.

The call is free.

I will be discussing the benefits of giving your life to Christ.

If that is something you'd like to hear about, you're welcome to get on the call.

I have no other sales pitch.

We're just going to be talking about Jesus Christ.

If you feel compelled to get on the call, do it.

If you've been asking God to give you a sign, perhaps this is it.

"Where are you God?! I've been calling out to you, but you don't show yourself to me!!"

Perhaps He's been trying to get ahold of you... and perhaps you weren't listening?

Perhaps you'll be on the call tomorrow.

Perhaps your ears will be able to hear the gospel message of Jesus Christ.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Talk tomorrow,


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