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JDC is a total E-Recruitment and HR Solutions Provider for domestic IT, ITES, Manufacturing, Retail, FMCG,FMCD,Telecom, Pharma, BPO,Hospitality,Banking and Finance companies.

We are Recruiting for the following Positions:

Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics/Instrumentation Engineers
HR & Administration/Facilities/Operations/Housekeeping
Customer Care/Customer Service
IT Engineers/Networking Engineers/Software Engineers
Store/Warehouse/Logistics/Supply Chain/Purchase/Dispatch
Sales & Marketing/Online Marketing/Business Development
Center/Branch Manager/Cluster Head/
Project Manager-Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics/IT
Accounts & Finance/Audit/Accounts Receivable/Payable
Front Office/Guest Relations
Technical Support/Business Analyst/MIS
Chef/ Restaurant Manager/Stewart/Hotel Manager

JOB Location: Chennai,Tamil Nadu OR Any where in pan India as per your preferences.

Salary: Best in the industry as per the Knowledge & Experience

Job Timings: Day Timings

Concern Person: HR Team

M: 7528069458

Company Name: JDC JOBS
Chandigarh Corporate Office: Sco-80,Sec-17,Chandigarh,UT
Mumbai: Duru House, Juhu Tara Road, Next to JW Marriot, Juhu, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400049
Shimla: Sec-4,New Shimla,HP
Bangalore:Brigade IRV,Nallurhalli, Whitefield, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560066
Noida: Ground Floor, Tapasya Corporate Heights, Sector 126, Expressway, Noida 201 301
Ahmedabad: Earth Arise Building, Sarkhej- Gandhinagar Highway,, Makarba, Ahemdabad,380015
USA office: 333 Texas St. Suite 1300 Shreveport, Louisiana 71101,USA

Conditions Apply!

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You are receiving this mail against your profile on TimesJobs (updated on: 29-06-2019)
Experience : 8 Year(s) 6 Month(s)
CTC : 3.0 Lac(s)
Skills : working from home, online data entry, freelance recruiter, freelance writer
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Advisory: Please do not pay any money to anyone who promises to offer you guaranteed job. This could be in the form of a registration fee or document processing fee or any other pretext. The money could be asked for upfront or it could be asked after trust has been built after some correspondence has been exchanged. If you get a job offer or a letter of intent without having been through an interview process it is probably a scam and you should contact for advise.

