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Lessons on learning you can use today


Hi Candidate,

Let me share my thoughts on learning fast —

Vanity is a perfectly valid reason to learn something new. That's originally why I hired a trainer. Only years later did I start to love the craft. Lesson learned: Use whatever reason you want if it helps you start learning.

Read Us Weekly! I drill this concept into our copywriters and product developers. In order to learn why people do what they do, it's important to learn from diverse groups. Famous copywriter Eugene Schwartz, who lived on Park Avenue and had an extensive art collection, used to go to cheap matinees to make sure he stayed in touch with pop culture. Do you?

Don't ask broke people for financial advice. It sounds obvious, but notice how many people go into cheapskate forums and ask if a certain book is good. "LOL, buying a book. Why not just Google around for 328 hours and figure it out yourself?" Be thoughtful who you're asking to learn from. Have they done it themselves?

Sometimes you just need to buckle down and work. There are only so many hacks and tips and tricks you can read. The real reward comes from doing the hard work.

It's OK if you learn something and it isn't immediately actionable. I used to think that every book, every course, every conference had to give me something I could act on immediately. Yes, actionable information is important. But sometimes, it takes years for an idea to gestate. A random quote can come back 4 years later and make a massive impact when you're ready for it to. Be open to serendipity. Don't force it.

As you get deeper into subjects, keep your eye out for "dangerous ideas." These are the ideas that intuitively strike you as true...but they're politically incorrect to talk about. You can find a lot of these in the topics of dating, money, and health.

Speed reading is not the goal. You know my secret to reading fast? Reading 2 books a week since I was 5 years old. I'd much rather be known for applying the material from books than for reading thousands of them.

Better to apply 1 book than to read 10. Now THIS is a great goal. Btw, this idea — and this entire course — isn't just about books. It's about learning in the way you want to.

Create an anti-echo chamber. If you only read sources that you agree with, you will create an echo chamber. It's incredibly hard to seek out material that you disagree with and grapple with why. God, why am I sharing this example that nobody is going to do?

The single fastest way to learn is to get a personal tutor. You can put an ad on Craigslist today and have an amazing teacher — on virtually any topic — meeting you at Starbucks by tomorrow. For $100. It's easier for the average person to learn today than a king 200 years ago.

But what if I hire the wrong teacher? Think abundantly: You WILL make mistakes as you learn. But you're also smart enough to course-correct. The real secret isn't finding the perfect instructor the first time. It's being resilient enough to overcome challenges and keep focused on the goal of learning.

Nothing is too ridiculous in learning. I walked into my friend's living room and he showed me his subscription to the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. He told me he loves psychology and wanted to learn more from the source — so he subscribed at great expense. This example isn't about the money. I've bought books on writing romance novels, Japanese floristry, and parenting (when I'm not a parent yet). Is that weird? Who cares?

Be skeptical. When learning something new, be highly critical of the source you're learning from. Including me! If you learn from someone who truly knows what they're talking about, it can mean the difference between becoming 80% proficient in 3 weeks vs 3 years.

It's OK if your learning style is different than other people's. My friend sent me a comic book version of a business book. I read 5 pages and hated it. He told me he wishes every business book had a comic book version. Another friend listens to audiobooks. Find out what works for you and don't apologize.

You don't need to be the world's best. For most things — learning how to drink wine, how to play poker, or how to dress well — you don't need to be the world's best. You can get "good enough" fast. That is AWESOME. It means an entire world of opportunities is at your fingertips.

Follow the fun. Man, when you really love what you're learning, it's FUN. My dad used to teach my sister calculus using oranges and apples. If you're faced with a choice between a fun way and a "studious" way to learn something, choose fun. When you love it, you're going to learn it faster.

"3 good swings before dinner." This is how one of my co-workers teaches his kids to play sports. Every night before dinner, it's 3 good swings at baseball. For you, maybe it's sending 3 great emails. Writing 3 great ideas. Or watching 3 videos and taking notes.

Bottom line — what are you doing this weekend?

Are you learning something new?

I'd love to show you how I learn fast.

I think learning is a skill and a privilege. And learning how to learn — and how to do it fast — can change your life.

If you've tried to pick up new skills in the past but got frustrated with the vague, messy process...

If you tried but you didn't stick with it...

If you've struggled to find the time to practice…

Or if you want a new hobby and just don't know where to start…

I'd love to show you a different approach.

Learning a new skill can be fast and fun.

I have a course, Teach Yourself Anything, where you'll see how to learn fast — even if you're already busy.

There's no need to stick to an old routine. To do the same old things every weekend. We can show you how to change your life today so tomorrow looks even better.

That freedom to learn anything you want — fast — is the ultimate gift.

All you need to unlock it is one simple skill: learning how to learn.

Join Teach Yourself Anything now

P.S.  If you even think you might be interested, do me a favor. Take 3 minutes to check out the product page and decide if it's right for you.

If not, no prob. At least you made the decision instead of missing out by default.

Teach Yourself Anything is available — Join now.
