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Never Stop Learning (the Black Friday sales email)

Well hello my friendly friends.

If you're American, I hope you're having a nice Thanksgiving week.

If you aren't American, I hope you're having a nice Friday.

And speaking of Friday, today is a day called Black Friday.

It describes a day where people go crazy for cheap goods.

Retailers love this day because it's a good money-maker for them.

People, the little people, love this day because they can get some good "deals".

I put deals in quotes because the reality is that everything you buy is a cost and not a deal UNLESS what you buy is education.

Education is the only thing that is worth anything.

I am not talking about a school or university education, I am talking about a SELF-EDUCATION.

A self-education is the only thing that will buy you freedom in this world.

Every man of substance and standing is a man of SELF-EDUCATION.

The motto of the real man is Never Stop Learning.

That's the motto I follow each and every day. I still read every day and I still challenge myself everyday.

If you ain't ready to learn and challenge yourself, you ain't ready for nothing but servitude.

Servitude is fine for the little people (and the little people choose to be little by keeping their minds small) but for the big people, the real men, servitude is worse than death.

Like they say in New Hampshire, Live Free or Die.

Like Thomas Jefferson said, "If a nation expects to be ignorant AND free, it expects what never was and never will be."

All great men of the world know the great secret.

The great secret is this: Self-Education will free you from your shackles. Stupidity will keep you in chains.

Liberty comes at a cost and that cost is self-education.

Today, on Black Friday, I would like to offer each and every B&D reader the chance to educate themselves, expand their minds, and toughen their bodies.

All B&D knowledge products are on sale today.

We offer this type of sale only once or twice a year so be a man, prepare your mind and body, and LEARN how to be a real man of freedom. 

You can
check out the B&D Black Friday ebook deals here.

To your continued self-education and your freedom...



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