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Invest or Pay Down Debt?

Everyone has different variables to consider when making this decision, but this article provides a framework prioritizing investing and debt payment decisions.
I've had a busy month of travel with nearly a dozen flights to date, so I'm dipping into the archives to highlight one of my all-time most popular articles: Invest or Pay Down Debt?

Everyone has different variables to consider when making this decision, but this article provides a framework prioritizing investing and debt payment decisions.

Read now: Should you invest or pay down debt?

How an HSA Can Boost Your Retirement Savings
When it comes to picking a health insurance plan, the options can seem confusing. For years, I avoided my company's high-deductible health insurance plan with a health savings account (HSA) because it felt scarier than simply paying the monthly premiums and predictable co-pays of a PPO plan.

After taking a closer look, I realized how much an HSA had to offer and ditched the PPO for an HSA-eligible high-deductible plan.

Read more now: How an HSA can boost your retirement savings.


Have a burning question about your finances?

I have a few call slots open on my calendar where we can chat about your biggest financial questions and I can help you discover blindspots you may have about smart ways to manage your money.

I can answer questions like:
  • Am I making the right decisions with my money?
  • Am I saving enough?
  • How do I minimize my taxes?
  • What happens if there is another 2008 type market meltdown?
  • ... and much more.

Schedule a free 15-minute call here.

Together, we can make money a source of opportunity and freedom, not stress or confusion.

To making money simple,

