There are some important updates for the second blogging challenge. If you are clueless about the impact of the first blogging challenge, then search #30DaysBlogging in Facebook Group - Blogging As Business. More than 71 people participated and 11 completed the challenge successfully. They completed each and every activity that I gave them for 30 days in a row. They are on the path of blogging now. They are consistent in efforts. The biggest obstacle is coming out of the comfort zone and trying out things. They overcame their fears and enjoyed their 30 days. Here is what Shumon has to say (he is one of the winners of last challenge)  We learned from our mistakes and improved the second season. I am recording some fresh videos for the 30 Days Blogging Course and also giving new tasks. The major update is that the Challenge Participants would also get the access to WhatsApp group. I will personally help you and some of the Winners and Finishers of season 1 agreed to support you. Here is the link to register for 30DaysBlogging New Updates Rules are as following Update #1. The challenge is extended till 31st Dec. Means anyone can join anytime in Nov and his challenge will start from that day onwards. Update #2. The access to the course is for lifelong. You would get instant access to all existing video lessons. Update #3. All the support (personally by me) will be provided through a WhatsApp group till the end of Dec. I won't be active in the group afterwards but the group members can decide whether to keep the group ongoing or dismantle after the challenge is over. Update #4. Special video lessons could be recorded based on your needs. So please be active in the WhatsApp group. Update #5. I will start one article on CashOverflow [30 Days Blogging] that I will update regularly with my progress of growing TheNicheBlogger website. I am also working on creating a detailed report on Profitable Niche Blogging Ideas. You would get that in the course first. If you still wanna wait, I want to understand what is stopping you? Hit Reply and I would respond as soon as I get time. Pardeep Goyal PS: I have interviewed one of our blogging bro - Ankit Singla. This is going to be published on my YouTube channel. Stay Tuned. It's in Hindi :) In meantime, take up the 30 days blogging challenge and enjoy all the lessons that you need to execute in the first 30 days. |